Friday 3 January 2014

The Holbein Lotto family,VI:Lotto carpets,Ornamented Style

The Ornamented Style.

The most frequent border is the Medallion,a kind of truncated cartouche.The lateral mode is the most common.Of the 12 examples recorded here,six have a redground border,six are on blue,thus dispensing with the idea that red ground/red field layouts are unusual.This seems to be no distinguishing feature-the Ballard and Skolkloster pieces are surely from the same hands.Typically the borders display a 4 x4 layout.

Lateral style.

A rug last seen with Moshe Tabibnia was once in the possession of Raymond Bernadout,with a stop-over at John Eskenazi`s

525-Tabibnia Hali 102(135)

The following in the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery from the Schiller Bequest(N 2363)

526-Bristol-Hali 36-61

An example published by the Italian dealers "La Torre"in Venice

527-Ghereh 41-84

The beautifully composed Ballard rug,now in the MET

528-MET Ballard Ganzhorn 395

A carpet from Honigberg in Transylvania  

529-Harman-Ionescu 19

A carpet from the Pisa Collection

530-Pisa Collection Sothebys 10 January 1979-17

The rug at Skokloster Slott has apparently been in situ since 1676 

531-Skokloster-Hali 55(119)

A charming  example from the Pogliaghi Museum in Varese

532-Ghereh 4-29

A rug in the Budapest Museum of applied Art has been ascribed to the later 17th century due to its shrunken field

533-Budapest-Pasztor 12

The carpet once with Baron von Tucher and published in Tapis Turc has been missing for 70 years.Its border relates to that on the Calwer carpet in Stuttgart

534-Tapis Turc 4

This is the only known large carpet of this type,with pretty colours but pedantic draftsmanship,a gift of Hans Calwer

535-Staatsgalerie Stuttgart-Gantzhorn ill.396

The following without access info


The below from the MAD in Paris,apparently never published in colour

537-Hali 3-4-276

A carpet once with Alberto Boralevi featured both white cotton and red silk in the pile



540-All fotos by kind permission of  Alberto Boralevi

One further example features the cut border.It first sold at Sothebys NY on 13 September 1995(1) for $5,750

541-Sothebys 1995

It initially featured in the Exhibition"Looms of Splendour"and was then re-offered,refurbished, at Christies London where it brought 12,500 pounds Sterling

542-Christies 2 October 2012-153

Medallion border,Symmetric form.

The carpet offered at Sothebys was remarkable for its yellow-ground border and fetched 8,625 pounds Sterling

543-Sothebys October 1998(50)

A carpet at Nagels brought 24,000 DM on 14 October 1991

544-Nagels (1080)

The following fetched 7,500 pounds at Lefevre`s in 1975

545-Lefevre 16 May 1975(3)

The following is one of five Lottos in the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris and was the subject of an article by Pamela Bensoussan.It seems not to have been published in colour

546-Hali 3-4-276

A carpet from the Italian dealer Mirzakhanian seems curiously absent

547- Hali 58(41)

Medallion borders:Asymmetric form.

Only two examples are recorded here.The first was once owned by Schmutzler,and is now in the Museum of Art Collections in Bucharest

548-Ionescu 47

The second example was published by Ulrich Schürmann in 1966

549-Schürmann 16

Cloudband borders.

Only six carpets in the ornamented style and with cloudband borders are registered here.The designs are all symmetric.

The carpet from Williamsburg,one of a number of pieces sold to the Museum by Beshir Galleries

550-Lanier 22

Inventory Number 157 from the Black Church

551-Brasov-Ionescu 31

Inventory number 1023 from Sigishoara has an illegible inscription

552-Sigishoara-Ionescu 34

The following from the Church of Sanpetru

553-Sanpetru Ionescu 233

Access info missing for the following fragment


An example from the Fitzwilliam Museum

555-PW Meister-24

Meander Borders.

From the collection of the painter Hans Purrmann,a piece in double width and with minor guards heralding the style of 19th century Kuba carpets

556-Purrmann Collection

One of the most prestigious of all Lottos is in the Jaquemart-Andree Museum in Paris,with carefully designed "substrate" medallions (see R.Pinner Hali 42-23)and an elaborate "ushak" type border

557-Hali 47-40

Two other examples share a unusual border.The first,now in Nürnberg,was originally in the Church at Bistrita

558-Nürnberg-Hali 172-37

Two fragments from what is surely the same rug are in the Volkerkunde Museum Munich



Bird Palmette Border.

Comprising four large examples with "substrate"design.The following surfaced in Paris in 2012 and fetched $28,010.Re-offered six months later at Christies(23 April 2013)it failed to find a buyer

561-Artcurial-Christies 23 April 2013-75(Chimchirian Collection)

The most famous of these pieces is that from the Aita Collection,first sold at Lefevre`s on 16 May 1975 for 11,500 pounds Sterling.It sold at the Aita sale,Christies London,on 18 October 2001,for $117,090.Last seen with Moshe Tabibnia.

562-Aita,Tabibnia,- Hali 118(60)

A carpet from the Schwartzenberg Collection was exhibited in Vienna in 1932,but not since

563-Schwartzenberg Collection-Wien 1932

A fourth example from Lefevre was republished in E.Herrmann`s second catalogue,having been withdrawn in London

564-Herrmann SOT 2-1 (Lefevre April 1979-19)

The borders of this group survived into 19th century Caucasian carpets


Ragged-Leaf Key Border.

From the AAA Sale of 1932,double width

566-AAA 8 January 1932-98

From the Bernheimer Sale of  14 February 1996(price realised:3220 pounds Sterling)

567-Bernheimer Sale 24

Published by Lefevre in his Turkish carpets book

568-Lefevre Thompson 8

A later piece with awkward field drawing and simplified border

569-Meschoulam Hali 52(37)

Other Borders.

The following sold at Christies London on 9 October 2006(47)for $24,685.It is the only carpet in the ornamented style recorded here with a Kufi border

570-Christies April 2007-47

A carpet from the Hamburg Museum for Applied Arts has a rare Hooked-Star border,the only one in this group,although we have already seen three in the Kilim style.Anatolian style carpets do not employ this border

571-Preysing 11

A large carpet with outstanding substrate design is in the Sforzesco castle in Milan,apparently lacking its borders


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